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By Samuel AjayiArtificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a pivotal force that is shaping and transforming lives, industries and economies around the world. AI has come a long way from the early days of the conceptual and visionary work of Alan Turing, who laid the groundwork for the field with his pioneering ideas.

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By Tayo AgunbiadeThe results of the recently-held general election have once again confirmed...

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By Wale ThompsonIn a surprise move on 14 June 2023, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) announced...

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By Yomi Fawehinmi | Land is a crucial resource that requires effective management by governments and...

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Climate change poses severe and multiple threats to Nigeria’s current and future development and...

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By Adebayo AhmedThe question of food is one that is now on everybody’s lips in Nigeria. The...

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Policy Conversation on Enthroning Accountability in Local Governance in Nigeria

Click here for details about the event

Images and Echoes from the Policy Conversation on “Nigeria, Climate Change and the Green Economy

Click here for details about the event

Highlights from the Maiden Workshop on Policy Analysis and Advocacy

Click here for details about the event

Policy Note

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