In recent years, the adverse impacts of climate change have been increasingly seen in Nigeria and across the African continent. Extreme weather events such as flooding, desert encroachment etc., are impacting agricultural output, displacing communities and slowing down the economy. Nigeria has a unique opportunity to leapfrog its development trajectory by tackling climate change head on and spearheading a clean energy transition.

Nigeria has demonstrated commitment to fighting climate change and facilitating clear energy transition, evidenced by former President Muhammadu Buhari’s announcement in COP26 that Nigeria would achieve net zero by 2060. This was followed by the passage of the Climate Change Act and the launch of the Energy Transition Plan. Following this visible commitment and as the climate crisis keeps evolving in scope and impact, there is a need to provide continuous evidence-based recommendations to guide policymakers in ensuring adequate mitigation and adaptation and shepherding a clean energy transition. Hence, Agora Policy’s decision to focus on this research area.

Agora Policy’s Climate Change and Energy Transition programme will work to accelerate progress towards the goal of global net zero emissions by providing insights and tailor-made policy recommendations, as well as convening policy dialogues on implementing Nigeria’s energy transition plan. This programme will focus on the following areas:

a. Climate Finance
b. Sustainable Environmental Management
c. Renewable Energy Policy