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A valid concern with each election cycle, the state of security is an even bigger policy issue in Nigeria’s 2023 general election.
In this episode, two security experts examine the relationship between insecurity and elections, and recommend options for violence-free elections and a more secure country.
Listen to "Security and Nigeria's 2023 Elections" on Spreaker.

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Often cited as a landmark election, the 2023 general election will be a major test of the maturity of Nigeria’s democracy. What are the risks to free and fair polls in Nigeria and how should these risks be addressed?
This episode sees three experts with academic and practical experience in tracking elections in Nigeria critically examine the issues and proffer solutions. ;
Listen to "Addressing The Risks To Free And Fair Polls In Nigeria" on Spreaker.

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Listen to "Why The Anti Corruption War Still Matters" on Spreaker.

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The continued exclusion of women across different spheres greatly limits Nigeria’s development. In this episode, three experts dissect the issues and provide necessary solutions for greater inclusion.
Listen to "Enhancing the Voice and Agency of Women in Nigeria" on Spreaker.

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The current state of Nigeria’s public finances confounds many. In this episode, three experts explain what is going on and offer prescriptions for Nigeria's current fiscal challenges.
Listen to "Pathways Out Of Nigeria's Fiscal Challenges" on Spreaker.

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Petrol subsidy has become a major drain on Nigeria's public finances. Yet removing the subsidy has been a thorny policy and political issue in the country. This episode features three experts who not only dissect the challenges posed by petrol subsidies but also propose what to do, when, and how. Listen in.
Listen to "What to Do With Nigeria's Petrol Subsidy?" on Spreaker.