The July 11th ruling of the Supreme Court of Nigeria on direct disbursement of federation entitlements to Nigeria's 774 local government areas (LGAs) has reawakened interests about the need for effective local government administration in the country.

Will financial autonomy automatically improve the quality of governance at the local level? How critical is accountability to good governance especially at the local level? What are the levers of accountability within LGAs, how strong are they, and how can they be strenghtened? What else needs to happen to enable more democratic, more representative, more responsive and more effective government where it matters the most?

These and other questions will be deliberated upon at a structured and solution-oriented policy conversation to be held in Abuja on 5th August 2024. The event is convened by Agora Policy and the following partners: Yiaga Africa, BudgIT, Premium Times, Centre for Fiscal Transparency and Public Integrity, and The Cable.

Registration for this event has closed.